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Welcome new user!

First welcome mail

Updated over 9 months ago


Welcome to Event Hub - VIP.

Please note the application you are logged into is the down-stream app often used alongside our team and venue app. If that is what you are looking for you might be best with a demo that can be booked here,
Our VIP application can be used across many scenarios. so to begin I would like to explain the different types of "Event Hub events".

Public Events where a venue or team also uses Event Hub.

Where a venue or team also uses Event Hub your events will automatically appear in our Event list. Ticketing and catering will also be fully integrated. You will be able to manage your guest list and access all our other advanced features as you require.

Public Events where a venue or team does not use Event Hub.

Not all Venues or teams have chosen to use Event Hub. Where this is the case you can still add the Event (manually or load by file) and load up PDF tickets they provide. Please note, we cannot automate catering in this case.

Private Events that you control and where you organise the venue yourself

You can add your events at any time. Events at any venue and with any type of ticketing. By doing this we support one database for all your events. FBT reporting and analysis is thus provided in a single tool.

Your first steps

We strongly suggest these as your first 4 steps

  1. View the short demo for 'basic navigation' guide in Set up.

  2. add your first brand. Click here or see the guide set up >>"add brand 1"

  3. View the Guide - 'create an event'

  4. View the Guide - 'send an invite'

Then try creating a sample event and send an invite to yourself. This will give you a good sense of the most basic features of Event Hub. We will then be available to help you explore much more :)

Guides are found on the right side of the page

Good luck and please get in touch as required. Remember you can use our chat / FAQs or guides to learn more.

You will see our live chat at the bottom right of the page.


Event Hub

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