Seating is {usually} concrete
Step 1: The VENUE sets the Assets a team is allowed to use.
A team allocation is set as per below. This is applicable for initial setup only. In the Hirer allocations Tab. This tab is only found in venue systems (not the Hirer). Any assets a team might use on any event need to be set here. This is so the same assets are joined (or linked) between the Venue and the team or Hirer and tickets can be shared to the same asset.
This only ever needs to be done once for any asset.
We don't copy sales groups for the assets as often Teams have their way of selling and managing assets, This is what prevents us from copying FLOWS per event.
If a team doesn't see an asset they need - it's likely it's not been shared here.
Step 2: The TEAM COPIES Assets shared to their system so a linking ID between the Team and Venue is created for future sharing.
All facilities at the Venue used by the team need to be shared and linked for the first time. This creates an ID between them at the data level. This step is done by the Team Only after the Venue enables the asset for the Team in Step 1.
If a venue adds new assets during the year - The team needs to complete this step
Only the new assets will be copied. This option Is ONLY shown on the TEAM / HIRER UI.
It maybe better for a Venue to share ANY assets they might ever need so that the asset-links are always ready.
Step 1 : Events Linked by the Event ID
An Event ID is set and is the same Event ID used by the Hirer/team for the same event.
Event Hub automatically populates an Event ID of dd_mm_yyyy_startHour_as_24
So if the start and daytime of the event are set as the same - Events will auto-match. You can use any ID -
The only critical requirement is Event IDs match.
Step 2: Team COPIES data per event
Once an Event ID is matched by a hirer a new button on the workflow is enabled - for the hirer. "Copy Venue data"
This copies
Flow Close and open times.
This option Is ONLY shown on the TEAM / HIRER UI.
** We can't copy much more unless our sales groups match. Teams often use very different sales groups from venue and catering is set up by sales group.
It's easy to confirm if barcodes have been copied. Look on any Grid cell.
Add yourself to any cell where you expect a barcode should exist.
Check that the barcode image shows for that asset.