Assets capacity Set up

When setting up assets its good to understand asset best practices

Updated over a week ago

When setting up your assets (or facilities) it is critical to understand the capacity amount and how it affects selling and ticket allocation.

Suites and Boxes

Suites and boxes are almost always set with capacity totals that are greater than 1.

Suites and boxes (and sometimes rooms) are normally (and best) passed on as full and aggregated assets.

The receiver or owner of these assets is generally responsible for the guest update and allocation. It is far more efficient for the EH application to manage the guest allocation at the lowest level and not be passed down as "many seats".

Seats or Rooms.

Asset capacity should be set as 1 where your business is selling or setting the individual owner. Examples are where you

  • sell single seats

  • Have a room where your business will manage individual ownership

In the cases above many accounts (buyers) will own groups of seats and never a total asset. If you are not allocating the actual buyers to room seats its always better to share the aggregate asset with the sponsor or partner who will allocate individual seats.

Watch Out:

However, the assets are set - if you are a HIRER - in order to receive the correct amount of barcodes the same setup must exist at the sharing Venue.

If you decide to change the way you have created assets please let your venue know or you'll find there are no barcodes created on the new asset.

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