If your considering using the Event Hub sales system can you please consider the below?
"Sales" can be sensitive as there are many touch points with your customers. In the Events industry, you are not just selling "apples" There can be many complexities and nuances and it really takes some planning to make this successful.
Event Hub asks that these guidelines are understood before using our sales system so that we end up with a successful outcome with little demand on our resources.
Cost to use the EH Sales module:
If you already pay for the EH commercial application - there is NO fee or "fair Play" sales volume.
If you don't pay for our commercial app then there is a fair play volume expectation for the resources needed for set up and support;
The EH charge for sales is 1.25%, hence we expect at least 500k + of sales (Per annum).
That returns to EH approx 6k.
** You need to be on VIP System Enterprise for these volumes to be waived.
Many organizations attempt to use sophisticated software without a plan. This will only lead to failure - the same goes for many aspects of the business. Event Hub is a team of software builders -However, we are often asked to help with strategy and execution,. That is not where we can contribute best. Before building out your "sales plan" you would expect the following to be at least in the draft stage.
What Products are planned to go on sale and when?
Are the "Event driven" or not?
Is your content ready - brand - images - copy.
Do you really need "ticketing" or a"reciept of sale" for each purchase.
If you need ticketing is it "General Admin' based or reserved seating based.
Do you know what gateways are?
Do you have a STRIPE gatewey account.
Do you plan to need a POS - (Cash or CC)
Digital Marketing plans
You are likely to want to sell to a group or groups of existing customers and/or the public.
This is important as it determines how you might structure your URL builds.
Perhaps the most important question to ask is
Will you bring buyers to a website where the URL is embedded OR will you issue the URLs (email or sms)?
Most sales systems also consider ;
2. Google analytic search keys
for sales data tracking
Ask your digital marketing team about these.
Onboard and Trial. Shared responsibility.
The best way to understand any system is to do a simple trial.
We suggest a 1 product X. 1 event trial that is sold as GA and ticketed. I can be sold at $0 (COMP) so does not need a gateway account ready.
This does not need to be branded but will highlight the Customer touchpoints and basic setup needed.
A trial like the above can be set up in a matter of minutes and is end-to-end.
EH is happy to provide the resources to build your first trial if you have committed your own resources to a draft sales plan as per above.
What's Next? Consider the above.
If you are ready to go let's set up the first product trial. - together.