What is RSVP By brand?
Event Hub now supports many RSVP versions by Brand. That means you can have many versions of how the RSVP pages display both in style and text /wording.
How do I turn it on?
Go to settings > preferences to turn on or off ( back to the current/"classic" state.)
When using multi-brand RSVP, there is no need to use different URLs on EDMs. The standard EDM URL will work based on the Brand set up on the Event.
How do you set it by Event?
Event Hub defaults every new event to "Brand 1" - the master brand. Then any event can be set to any of the Brands set up. The RSVP will display as per the brand chosen.
What can you set by Brand?
Logo as small or long. Long logos span across the whole page (best set as 1200px or 2400 px)
3 colors
Specific wording for each block used in the RSVP process
CSS - This is more advanced and allows design changes like
the size of the logos
the FONT of the page
the location of the logo - left or right
CSS can be tricky and our design team can help if documented requests are provided
Are there other uses for this change?
You might consider using the Logos and Colors but only change the wording used in the RSVP blocks. Thus, the "Brands" might be used like;
"Classic" brand - versus a "Heritage" brand
Special event brands - Special Sports rounds like "indigenous rounds"
Teams might have male and female team brands.
"CEOS office" brands
Brands by department used in conjunction with partner URLs/
"Brand-formal" or "brand-informal"..
Brand - members or Brand non-Members
What's Next?
Firstly, you'll see users will be able to store "their preferred brand" and the Events list will be automatically filtered to that Brand when a user logs in.
We will then add Tagging by Brand for EDMs, and then we will add mailbox settings per brand.
With all these enabled it should be really easy to run Event Hub in very independent "brand mode."
Need more help?
** Multiple brands will be available to all Tier 5 + customers..