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Multi-Venue Aggregation
Multi-Venue Aggregation
Updated over a week ago

Event Hub provides software to many venues, teams, and Corporates.

Venue aggregation is a feature of the Event Hub platform and is funded by the Event Hub business.

As such Venue Aggregation is now only provided to our corporate customers who have upgraded to one of our paid tiers. **Single Venue access will always be provided on a single venue basis and we will continue to maintain the same password where you use the same email address across venues.

If you would like more information and join companies like the NRL, ARU,. Telstra, CUB, DHL, and Coke on accessing over 20 other upgraded features available in the Event Hub platform, please book a time here. to discuss this. The Event Hub calendar is open over 20 hours per week for discussions, demonstrations, and skill support.


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