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Upload templates

Templates for uploads

Updated over a year ago

Here are standard templates for the Eventhub system build at start-up.


There are only 3 mandatory columns to load contacts. First name, last name, and email. Combined they form the Event Hub CRM KEY.
You can MAP column to column when you load this table
It must be CSV
An audit trail will be provided at the end of any load of failed records.


These can be seats/rooms/suites/boxes/Parking spots.

It's best to create as many (ALL) assets as you sell. Build anything that you may need to eventually ticket.


Accounts (your customers or clients) are the owners of assets. They login to our portal, receive tickets via email or SMS, or place F&B orders

Accounts are auto added using the EH sales system, can be loaded by file, added 1 by 1 manually, or using our accounts-API.

You can use the CRM column to link customer data from other CRM systems.


A combination of Event, Asset and Client is defined as the asset owner in Event Hub. Ownership of an asset maybe casual through a sale or as permanent lease held by a company for the lease period. Perhaps a season or number of years.

Owners of assets have rights to tickets and offered Food and Beverage and other "upsells".

ownerhip can be set per event by
* the Event Hub API
* File loading
* Manually 1 by 1 - with ability to copy all asset owners from a past event.

This file is simply a combination of Asset and account loading per event.

** The ownership loader will create FACS And Accounts if they do not exist. And provide an audit trail of the same.

Portal distribution is assumed as is company type.

** CoMiNG Q2 23

automatic ownership updates of PERMANENTS (by contract dates) + HIRERS
If casual sales are also used - all ownership is fully automated


Event Hub is ticketing agnostic. We provide 3 options configurable per event.

  • Event Hub generates barcodes and shares them with the gate manager.

  • You Bring your barcodes and load a file of barcodes per event.

  • The event is not ticketed.

  • Event Hub No Longer supports the Ticketek API ( January 4)

Event Hub always suggest to load as many events as possible. FULL season is recommended. As you can see from the template - column 1 - eventID -allows multi event loadibg.

All that is needed for a barcode is unique reference to a seat, the event and a barcode.
The uniqe seat reference is provided by;

section && row && seat


These files should be shared as CSV as per this article.


Event Hub provides a 2-work-day turnaround for any file upload. We are often faster however you should expect these lead times for planning purposes. These lead times assume data is clean and accurate. If Event Hub needs to clean data - this SLA commences from when we have clean and accurate data.

Either email these files to - or via our in-app CHAT system.

Please do not send these files directly to scott@eventhub so the task is captured and ticketed as part of our automatic SLA processes.

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