if you have a barcode file you can now upload barcodes to each asset for each event.
Barcode files are very simple files
we match the barcode to the
** event by Event ID - added in workflow planning
** to each facility by reference to the combination of Section || row || seat.
An audio file will be available at the end of the load to identify any errors
You CAN load many events in one file using many event_ids.
event_id | section | row | seat | barcode |
event_1 | A | 1 | 10 | 1234567 |
event_2 | A | 1 | 10 | 1234568 |
here is a sample file
Watch put Number 1
Your facilities like Suites and Boxes - where you have not created every seat - must be set in the following way.
Name section row seat capacity
Suite 10. 10. 1. 1. 20 **
** whatever number of seats the asset holds.
So the loader logic expects the facility to be set with seat 1, the EH loader software can then automatically generate the seat data for the suite using the capacity number. If you see an error on a suite or box pls check the Asset is set up like the above
Watch out number 2
\*** remember barcodes are long numbers and will often display like this in Excel
Do not change the format or the number. Excel tries to convert to numbers
the below is just a. format change. The number stays as the long number if untouched.
23820220588971. >>>> Barcode. >>>> as shown in XL >>> 2.382022 + 11 |