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Smart Contacts

Information about our contact system

Updated over 3 years ago

Event Hub has a very sophisticated contact system. It's worth reading about our contact system in order to take full advantage. Of course, there are your basic fields like name, job title, email address, mobile#, address information, and company.

Let's take a look at some of the more advanced features;

Data management

Contact Key;

Eventhub defines 2 keys.

  1. Our own unique Key we define as


This allows us to have unique contacts with the same email address. Where need we can also include Job Title where contacts have different Personas.

2. Where Event Hub is synchronized to an existing CRM like Salesforce or UBS we copy that systems KEY and pass into our KEY.

Contact keys help stop duplicates. We offer a simple merge process where duplicates exist.

Grouping Codes;

We utilize three major grouping codes to manage and prepare for smarter contact management.

These are;

Tags - personalise your contact. "Board Member" , "Legend"
Contact Groups - group by Industry, partners or customer group
Tiers. Manage value or importance "Tier 1". higher value - High importance

You can use the above for quick Loading to events, reporting and will enable AI-based insight in the future.


Event Preferences;

Favourite Team or Favourite Type

Dietary Needs;
Standard types + create your own.

Photo/ notes of contact.

If you don't know some of this data you are able to capture and update much on the RSVP process.

Our Road Map:
Our plan is to;
** utilize the above to help better planning of guest lists - example

"Show me High Tier for (This CODE/TYPE) & (This Team/this exhibition)"

** Automated data capture by email or sms to update critical fields.

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